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« In a perfect world I'd be perfect too. » [Black Lab]

Lina | 19 Jahre jung | MSS 12 | Internatlerin | Glücklich (vergeben)

Worte | Chaotin . Traumtänzerin . Rebellin . Freizeitphilosophin . Anglophile . Kritikerin . Ja-Sagerin . Teetrinkerin . Zynikerin . Teilzeithippie . Büchernärrin . Lebenskünstlerin . Detailliebende . Weltenbummlerin . Verwöhntes Prinzesschen . Perfektionistin . Sensibles Naivchen . Musikbessesene . Möchtegern Avantgardistin

little things | accomplishing something people thought you couldn't • a nice, inspiring conversation with a stranger • songs that give you the chills • being surrounded by people you love • the sound of fallen autumn leaves crunching under your feet • when you talk to an old friend and it's like nothing's changed • looking back and see how far you've come • when little kids reach to hold your hand • revisiting favourite childhood places • when your pet cuddles up next to you • successfully doing something on the first try • immature moments with your friends • the sound of the ocean • city lights at night • the smell of popcorn in the movie theater • summer nights • discovering a new song and instantly loving it

« I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm. Trouble is a friend of mine. » [Lenka]

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