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The Torture

I guess it’s time to admit to myself I’m still in love with him
I tried to forget him and I achieved it
But what can I do?
Finally I suffer a relapse
And I’m powerless facing it

And it’s horrible
´cause I know exactly
I’ll never  be able to make him mine
Except in my dreams

And there’s another boy
And with him another problem
´cause he fell in love with me

I turned him down
As the same as I was turned down
Oh unrequited love is a torture

He does it as I did
And I still do by loving the other one
By the one who failed in his previous relationships

Love hurts
It’s no rule
It’s just a realization
But it’ll be valid for eternity
And no one can avoid it

Love can be magnificent
But it stays a necessary evil
Why can’t anybody stop it?
It kills me and others
We need help and protection

But we all will be lost…
…lost in the name of love

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