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This feeling of knowing no matter what you do or say, how nice you are and how many of you present them with even smile, you're labeled. You are branded as cunning, vain and superficial. What do about it? No you can not, because they always do not believe you, but the rumors they hear from people who have heard it before from others and so on. Usually you do not even own anything about it. It's crass, something that destroys a life, damn it. Sure, you can say, okay, I ignore them, but that's not so easy anyway, because it haunts you every day. You see her constantly defying look and her talk behind your back. And, yes, it hurts. It hurts when you think that I'm superficial. It hurts to see her speak against me, even though you do not know me. It hurts like hell. I'm only human, I'm not perfect, but honestly, I feel good about it. I like myself, and I'm glad to know that people like my family and my friends there who like me even as I am and know that I am not for her I think that all of them. So and now a lot of fun blaspheme when on, but what do you think about it once in a cause so that people can. Even if you can not see it from the outside, it hits a right into the heart.

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