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She woke up in the morning just as every day. As she got up, brushed her teeth, clothed herself and ate breakfast, she was scared to go to school. It wasn't because she'd write an english test or because she'd have two lessons with Mrs Nelly today, no, it was because of her classmates. Actually just because of Victoria, Kathrin and Joelle. Nina never told her parents or anybody else about what happens in school every day. Some people would call it "mobbing", she calls it "murdering". Nina doesn't have any friends, only Marcel and Janine are with her in some breaks, but they aren't really interested in her. Maybe they just talk with her because of sympathy. Sometimes Nina even thinks Marcel and Janina help Victoria and Co. by getting to know her fears and stuff. That's why Nina doesn't really trust anybody, except for her diary. It actually really bothered her but she got kind of used to it. Telling no one about her dreams, thoughts or interests and so on.
So this morning Nina had to go to school again. Just as every normal morning, except for Saturday and Sunday. As she drank her milk and finished her cereals she runs upstairs to get her schoolbag. It's quite old because her family doesn't have enough money for things like that. Her brother couldn't even go to college and maybe Nina can't either. But she isn't angry about her parents or anything else because she never had a lot money so she doesn't know what it feels like.
Her hair is frizzy this morning because she has to hurry. The bus is leaving in one or two minutes and she doesn't even has time for tiding her shoes. "Bye!" she says while running out of the small house which is almost too expensive for her family. Nobody answers because her dad has already gone to work and her mom is washing the plates.
Nina actually is a nice girl but she has never learned how to trust. Her bag is old, her clothes are old, she hasn't got a laptop, she wears glasses and her hair is frizzy almost every morning. Besides her dad is from Africa and her grades are bad because she doesn't understand anything and no one can help her. Those are some reasons for Victoria and Co. to mobb her.
Every day they bring her down, say bad things to and about her and sometimes they even punsh and kick her. It is hurting Nina inside and outside really much and once she wanted to tell a teacher but Victoria and Co. saw her and hurted her much more. She's got many injuries because of the girls. And she's really scared to tell her family because she thinks then she'd get more hurted and stuff and besides she's also ashamed to tell.
The bus stopped in front of the school and Nina got out. Scared to meet Victoria and Co. she runs upstairs into her classroom, because Victoria and Co. aren't in her class but in an upper grade.
Marcel is talking to a guy Nina doesn't know but he looks really interesting. He's not that handsome but his eyes have a special shining Nina hasn't seen before. "Wow" she thinks and passes by, just to look into the eyes of the new guy again. Just as she stares into his eyes she realizes that he stares back. A blushing appears on her cheeks and she hurries to get to her desk.

The bell rings and all students run out of the classroom exceppt for Nina. She's scared of Victoria and Co. and she bets they already stand in front of the door waiting for her. Her breath is fast and her heart doesn't beat normal. 'It's weird' she thinks. Instead of Victoria and Co. the new guy is on her mind. His brown hair, the green magical eyes and his voice which makes her brain stop working. She figured out that his name's Steven but she hasn't talk to him yet.

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