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' If you say ' i love bloody meat and i don't care whether the animals were tomented ' i can say ' i love tomented and dying humans' '

You think vegan are eco-freaks? You think we're too skinny and have no energy and power? FUCK YOU ! During I tell you how i protect the environment and poor animals i show you as fit I am real ! You're so naive and your words are so ugly that i could kill you to show you how animals have to suffer !!

Do you really think that vegan food is unbalanced and we get not enought vitamins? DO YOU REALLY KNOW IT? NOOOOOO ! You think and and you believe it but : have you ever eaten vegan? HAVE YOU?

Fight for the human AND animal liberation !

Speech at school

Hello everyone.
Today, i want to talk about the worlds forgotten victims - - - ANIMALS.But let me start with the most important fact.I'm not here to be your enemy! I only want you to think about the environment, your health and the animals.In the following i want to tell you more about these problems.
A golden rule says: " Don't do unto others, what you would not have done unto yourself" - martin luther already said it.What do you think about this rule? Do you think it's right? Why do you support the killing of animals?Everybody thinks animals are stupid objects that can't feel and think.But that's not the truth.Animals aren't machines.I'm always perplexed that most people don't believe that animals can also use their brains to think.They can feel pain like everyone in this room !Let me give you some facts: First of all I want to say that you need 16,000 liter water for the production of one kilo meat.With it you could shower one year daily.isn't this crazy?The fact is that a meat - free diet is better for the environment , because the factory farming causes 18 per cent more emission than the global traffic and 98 per cent of YOUR meat come from factory farms !Eating animals means eating excrements, because every kilo meat consists of 20 per cent excrement. hmm, do you like it? Every year 700 million animals were killed.700 MILLION ANIMALS ! A meat - free life is better for all animals, because everytime you say "no" to meat, you save an animal life!Close your eyes and image you were a pig.You'll never see the sunshine, you'll never feel the rain on your skin and you're full of medicine to grow up faster and faster. And after a very short and extrem painful life, your throat is sliced and you're bleeding until you die. WITHOUT DAZE Did you know that? Do you want to continue the support of that?

How would you feel if on the day of your birth someone alreadey planed the day of your dead?

What do you think where are the epidemics come from? Broccoli?potatoes? cherries?
If you say " I can't live without meat " it's a lie. Because YOU CAN ! and more than 6 million german perople can do it, too.
All in all you can say that a vegan or vegetarian life is better for all animals and for the whole world, too. I know you won't change your life after this speech, but i hope you'll think about it. The problem is that everyone mix up factory farming with a farm. it's a big difference. And if the people knew more about the transfortmation of animals into food, more would be vegan or vegetarian.I know it's VERY easy to stop eating animals or animal products. And all the happy and purple milka cows on tv, they're only a fake. They aren't real. And if slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian !
Thank you for listening

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Jaa, unterstützt es weiter, ihr tollen Menschen !

wonderland oder was? alpro soja in x - vielen Geschmacksrichtungen, wie im Traum !! *O*

Es wird an der Zeit, dass wir erkennen und respektieren, dass Tiere einen eigenen Lebenszweck verfolgen, nämlich den der eigenen Existenz - die nicht gekoppelt ist an unsere Bedürfnisse zu essen, zu forschen, uns zu kleiden oder unterhalten zu werden. Wo steht geschrieben, dass der Mensch das Recht hat, Tieren ein Leben aufzuzwingen, vor dem sie weglaufen würden, wenn sie könnten?

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